Pride in Practice GOLD Award
The Practice is proud to announce that we have been awarded a GOLD Award for excellence in LGBTQ+ healthcare via LGBTQ+ Foundation’s Pride in Practice programme.
Our staff are very aware of the importance of this award with key members of staff acting as LGBTQ+ champions for patients. Our aim is to continue to promote the services available so that we can further improve the LGBTQ+ patient experience for all.
Information for trans patients​
- Or those wishing to change their name, title and/or gender
Did you know?
Changing your title - you can change your title from Mr to Mx, or Miss/Mrs/Ms to Mx without changing your gender.
If you want to change your title from Miss/Mrs/Ms to Mr, or Mr to Miss/Mrs/Ms - you will have to change your gender on your NHS records too.
Changing your gender - you can do this at any time, by completing a gender change form and you do not have to have undergone any form of gender reassignment treatment. You must be aware that changing your gender will mean you will be allocated a new NHS number, and your pre-exisiting NHS number will no longer be accessible or be reversible. Your previous notes will be merged to your new notes, minus any previous identity information.
*unfortunately the NHS only accepts a male / female gender for registration and for gender change currently, if you wish to choose non-binary or other, we can add an alert to your notes, so we as a practice know your preferred gender. Without a male or female gender we cannot register you or change your gender as PCSE will reject the application. Sadly, this is out of our hands, but we and others across the UK have raised this issue to get the system changed, when will this be, we do not know. We do understand your frustrations.
We as a practice will ensure you get called in for your screening opportunities as long as you stay registered with us, but we do need to know your assigned gender at birth to ensure you get called in at the right time.
NHS screening Guidance for Trans Patients further information can be found GOV.UK and at Cancer Research UK.
A new NHS number can take over 4 weeks to come through to us, once we notify PCSE. Once we receive your new NHS number, we will create a new registration for you at the practice within 5 days, and will aim to merge your old records to your new records in a timely manner. (If you have any concerns with this, please contact the practice and speak to a doctor). You should be informed of your new NHS number by PCSE. If you do not receive, please contact us and we can give it to you. You may need to inform any hospitals you are under of your new NHS number so they can update your records.
Download the Gender Change Request Form pdf here.

Sources of support​
LGBT Foundation
LGBT Foundation's Helpline Service has been running for 35 years and provides thousands of hours of advice and support to thousands of people every year on a huge range of issues. The Helpline is staffed by a team of dedicated staff and volunteer operators, all of whom receive extensive training and support.
African Rainbow Family
African Rainbow Family support for LGBTQI+ people of African heritage including refugees and wider Black & Asian Minority Ethnic Groups
Hidayah is a secular organisation specifically for the needs of LGBTQI+ Muslims
GAYSIANS is the umbrella brand for the South Asian LGBTQIA+ community. We bring together all resources, networks and organisations related to being queer South Asians
Purple Rain Collective
Purple Rain Collective community building organisation for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic LGBTQ people & QTIPOC
Sarbat Support for LGBT Sikhs.