New Patients

Our Practice List is open to everyone living within our catchment.
Applicants who are eligible to receive NHS treatment may register at our practice.
To facilitate your registration please bring your NHS medical card if available with you along with photo ID such as a driving license or passport.
However, if you do not have these documents, you are still able to register.
In addition please understand that we are entitled to refuse non-urgent/non-emergency treatment pending your registration.
The Practice does not discriminate against race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation or appearance, disability or medical conditions.
Our catchment Area
How to register
Register in clinic:
1. To register as a new patient please complete a registration form​.
Please you the link below to download the form, they are also available to be picked up in reception.
Registration Form, click here ​
2. We require a completed form, along with one form of photo identification and one proof of address e.g. bank statement, utility bill, mobile phone bill - dated within the last 3 months.
However, you are still able to register if you do not have these available, please contact us for further information.
3. If you are registering a child or a young person we will require a birth certificate.
Completed registration forms and required documents can either be returned to the surgery by hand or you can email us at southendmedical.centre@nhs.net
Once you have completed the documents and submitted them to the surgery, the registration process will begin. This involves requesting your medical records from your previous GP Surgery along with any information they hold. This process can take up to 7 – 28 days due to current high demand.
For further information please call us on 01702 333298.
Register with us Online:
You can now register with us online.
To register online please visit the following website: https://gp-registration.nhs.uk/F81159